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There are different Versions of html.You should have to know about the versions.                          

       HTML                                                                 1991

       HTML 2.0                                                           1995

       HTML 3.2                                                           1997

       HTML 4.01                                                         1999

       XHTML                                                              2000

       HTML 5                                                              2014

      HTML 5.1                                                            2016

      HTML 5.2                                                            2017(CURRENTLY) 




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ASIDE TAG ASIDE tag is new tag in HTML5. It represents a part of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content..] Aside tag used  for pull quotes,comments,editorial sidebars etc. NOTE: Behaviour of div and aside are same but  meaning is different. Div is used for create a section or a division. Aside is also used for create a section or division but related to content of the main page.         SYNTAX <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> HTML Aside Tag </title> </head> <body> <aside> <h2>HTML</h2> <p>HyperText markup Language</p> </aside> </body> </html> OUTPUT HTML Hypertext markup Language --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


ARTICLE TAG Article tag is new tag in HTML5. It is used to represent the article. It is used for blog post,forms,newspapers,magazines etc. Article tag  specifies self-contained composition in a site, document, page or application. It supports all global attributes.     SYNTAX <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> HTML Article Tag </title> </head> <body> <article> <h2>HTML</h2> <p>HyperText markup Language</p> </article> </body> </html> OUTPUT HTML Hypertext markup Language --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                        What is HTML? H tml   stands for  Hypertext Markup Language . Some student thinks that HTML is a programming language but it is not a programming language. It is a markup language. It is used to design web pages.  The father of HTML is  Tim-Berners Lee . He is also director of W3 Consortium.Html is created in 1991 but officially releasing year of HTML is 1995 with HTML 2.0 version. What is Web? The web is nothing, in simple term, it is a collection of web pages. What is Hypertext? H ypertext means that it is a way to web pages or HTML documents are linked together. If you want to access a page then you should have to click on the link. What is the Markup language? M arkup language means that it is used for the presentation of text on the web page and it specifies the formatting of code. And it also focuses on the layout of the page. SOME IMP POINTS. HTML is based on Tags , Elements and