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Editor For Html

There are several types of editor in the market .Some Editor names are given below.

  1. Notepad++.
  2. Notepad.
  3. TextEdit (MAC).
  4. VS Code.

Structure of HTML

It is the most important part of HTML.Complete Website totally depend on this structure.


It is not a Html tag. It is the very first thing in html pages. It is the instruction to the browser about the version of the markup language. It is not a case sensitive.

<!DOCTYPE html>: It is a html5 Declaration
**Always add Doctype in your code. It helps the browser to render the content correctly.**


It is paired a  tag. It means that it consist a opening and closing tags both. It is containing a whole data of a html document. Each html document contain one <html> opening and closing tag.

*As shown in figure, Head and body are the child of  HTML tag.*


It is  a  container for page header information. It also contain the meta information about the document . In the head portion we can use <meta>,<link>,<<base>,<style> <script> <title> etc tags.

* Meta tag include the information about the document like as description of document and       keywords, which is helpful for Searching.

* Link is used for link a external file just like Stylesheet and Javascript file.

* Base  is used for create a base Url for all link on the pages.

* Style is used to include CSS rule inside the document .

* Script is used to include Javascript rule and VBScript inside the document.

* Title is used to specifies the title of the document.

** In the HTML 5 head Tag is omitted.**


 Meta tag include the information about the document like as description of document and       keywords, which is helpful for Searching.

Meta tag can includes following tags.

    * Name.
    * Content

    * Scheme

    * Http_equiv


 Title is used to specifies the title of the document.


 Body is used to contain the content of the document  such as images , hyperlinks , text, tables, forms etc.

                  <h1>Hello </h1>

                                 * We will learn in detail in next chapter.*




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