HTML STRUCTURAL TAGS There are several html structural tags. We will learn these tags one by one. ANCHOR TAG <a> ARTICLE TAG <article> ASIDE TAG <aside> LINE BREAK TAG <br> DETAILS TAG <details> DIVISION TAG <div> HEADER TAG <header> HGROUP TAG <hgroup> HORIZONTAL RULE TAG <hr> FOOTER TAG <footer> NAV TAG <nav> SECTION TAG <section> SPAN TAG <span> SUMMARY TAG <summary> ANCHOR TAG Anchor tag denoted by <a>. It is used to define a hyperlink. It means that it allows the user to move from one page to other. Anchor tag is a paired tag it means that it has opening and closing tag both. We can link a img,audio,video,pdf etc. By default, links are appear as follows. unvisited link , appear in underlined and blue color. visited link , appear in underlined and purple color. active link , appear in underlined and red color. ...